Friday, June 02, 2006

Again it is "Côde de Vinci"

Now, after the TN banned the movie, it is the AP which follows the suit. And ofcourse the north esatern states. These politicians are just blood suckers, they dont mind to lick anyone, anywhere if it is to increase their vote bank.

I have quoted a passage from the news, the reason for the movie "Da Vinci Code" to be banned.

"Later in a press release, Mr. Paul Bhuyan justified the stand arguing that the minority organisations had pointed out that the film's story line attacked the very heart of the Holy Gospel destroying the divinity of Lord Jesus Christ.

It might lead to unrest among the semi-literate and illiterate rural folk following the faith, they had further warned."

Parallely there was a comparison on the movie "The Passion of the Christ", I have quoted the same below.

"A few years ago, the church had screened the movie, The Passion of the Christ for its parishioners to sensitise them about the sufferings of Jesus Christ through the very graphic images of the movie."

If one were to gain mileage from the movie like Passion of the Christ to sensitise people, the Church should also accept when the movie is against the faith.

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