Earlier I wrote an article on ISI in Nepal, though the news was outdated which means the information is a kind of open secret. And by stern action from the security forces the porous border between Indian and Nepal is made fool-proof. This had made ISI to find alternate routes to introduce terror in India, though the North-east border needs to be guarded heavily, ISI has found a new way to enter India....
Now after exhausting all their solutions of penetration, ISI has found a way through Srilanka. The present democratic (can be replaced by autocratic without loss of generality :) ) government in Srilanka which is already under severe criticism for its action against innocent civilians in North and Eastern part, now has a new issue to face.
The enforcement authorities at Chennai have sucessfully foiled the bid to pour lumps of fake curreny (running into crores) into India. They have arrested an ISI agent who came to India through Columbo, which poses a question how strong ISI are in Srilanka. And to India's bad luck this is the last thing they need, Srilanka turning blind eyes to ISI means the relationship between the two countries is in a down-run. Though the situation has not worsened but turning a blind eye might lead to another foe in the southern corridor.
As said in previous post India should involve itself in the peace process between LTTE and Srilankan goverenment. The diplomatic persons should find innovative ways to tackle the embarrasment which India faced during late '90s. This is an immediate challenge India is facing, would the center respond pro-activiely this time!!!!!